IP Technology Distribution

BODi rS(TM) - More Bandwidth. More Reliability. More Survivability


In developing one of the most unique and advanced planes in the business jet industry, HondaJet was faced with a challenge – ‘how do we efficiently transmit our test video and data from mobile field locations back to our R&D labs in real time?’

The major challenge was to provide HondaJet test engineers with enough wireless bandwidth so they could send high quality video and imagery back to their colleagues in real time for immediate analysis. 

Knowing Honda’s commitment to quality and performance, we knew that we would need to provide a complete solution which would allow their engineers to do what they do best - create brilliant products that enhance people’s lives. We knew BODi rS could rise to Honda’s challenge. So we 

sent our BODi to flight school…



Before BODi, the HondaJet Test Engineers were relying on a single 3G connection to transmit their data back to the R&D lab. This was proving un-stable and limited them to bandwidth-light only data such as simple text. In testing multi-million dollar aeronautical equipment, this was both inefficient and frustrating.

By introducing BODi’s VPN WAN Aggregation technology we were able to provide HondaJet with a product which bonded up to four wireless modems which tripled their bandwidth speeds enabling them to greatly enhance the variety and quality of test data. HondaJet are now capable of streaming live video footage as well as audio and high quality imagery. 

In addition to enhancing bandwidth HondaJet was also able to leverage BODi’s intelligent load balancing technology ensuring stable and survivable internet connectivity - giving the engineers peace of mind and the ability to continue focusing on creating products built on “The Power of Dreams”.

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